Input Finance
Match Your Cash Flow to Your Income.
Free up your cash flow.
Obtain financing for manufacturing or agricultural inputs that you must purchase upfront and in a shorter period—for example, for fuel, fertilizer, crop insurance—and which you can pay back over a longer period based on selling the outputs derived from deployment of the inputs.
Pay on an extended schedule.
Payments scheduled around your cash flow allow you up to pay based on the cash flow resulting from the frontload-purchased inputs used to generate income. Plus, you can make a payment any time you want without penalty.
Manage your operation’s cash flow.
Match your operation’s cash flow, allowing you to market your products at the best price possible and at the best time possible before a payment is due.
Enjoy one-stop financing.
Finance up to 100 percent of your input purchases in one transaction while acquiring the inputs as needed throughout a period. Consolidate your purchases with one statement and one transaction.
Take advantage of early-season discounts.
Align crop year expenses to crop year revenues for increased cash flow.